Suggested Reading List:
- Gray 2008: Drinking Water Quality. Problems and Solutions. Second ed. Cambridge University Press.
- Fitts C, 2002: Groundwater Science. Academic press. Elsavier. 435 p
- Noner 2004: Groundwater contamination inventory. A methodological guide IHP-VI. Zaporozec ed. Series on Groundwater No. 2. UNESCO
- WHO 2001: Gudielines for water quality standards. 4th ed. WHO publication. P564
- Kresic N, 2007: Hydrogeology and groundwater modeling. 2nd ed. CRC press Taylor and Francis group
- Fetter CW, 2001: Applied Hydrogeology. 4th ed. Prentice-Hall Inc. p.535
- Krešić N, Vujasinović S, Matić I (2006) Remedijacija podzemnih voda i geosredine. Univerzitet u Beogradu, Rudarsko geološki fakultet, Beograd
- Aller L, Bennet T, Lehr J, Petty R, Hackett G (1985) DRASTIC: A standardized system for evaluating ground water pollution potential using hydrogeologic settings, U.S. EPA, Chicago, Illinois