Undergraduate studies
Master studies
Doctoral studies
Teaching staff


The Faculty of Mining and Geology is an educational and scientific institution within the University of Belgrade. Educates experts in basic, specialist, master's and doctoral studies. In addition, he performs innovations in knowledge, vocational education and training in his home fields, as well as scientific and research work. So far, 6437 students have graduated from the faculty, 590 have a master's degree, 17 have specialized, and 448 candidates have defended their doctoral dissertation.

The Faculty of Mining and Geology in Belgrade is the only university in our country that educates engineers in two different fields: geology and mining. Our curricula have for years been aligned with the programs of the most famous colleges and universities of similar or same activity in the world. Studies are multidisciplinary but also concrete - they prepare young people for different tasks in practice.

Today, the Faculty of Mining and Geology is an institution that meets the standards of modern higher education and provides young people with the opportunity to educate themselves with different professions within the mining and geological engineering profession with the help of internationally recognized experts, top lecturers and using modern equipment and literature. Studying at one of the directions of the Faculty of Mining and Geology is ideal for young people who love nature and the challenge to study it.

In addition to standard schooling, lab work, and computer work, future mining and geology engineers also have field practice as part of compulsory teaching. Going to the field is the most beautiful part of teaching. In a natural setting, students are introduced directly to the natural phenomena and processes they study. Living together is always an opportunity to socialize and establish communication between students and teaching staff, which is one of the basic preconditions for the success of contemporary teaching.


Independent development and creation of the first domestic staff in geology began in 1880 with the establishment of the Chair of Mineralogy and Geology at the Big School in Belgrade. The education of personnel in geology was carried out until the Second World War at the Faculty of Philosophy of the Great School, that is, the University, which was founded in 1905.

  • 13. march 1946.

    Faculty of Mining and Geology was founded. The Faculty of Mining with the Department of Mining and the Department of Geology was established at the Technical Faculty in Belgrade.

  • 1948.

    Since 1948 new generations of geology experts have been formed at two groups of the Faculty of Science, and a number of narrow professional disciplines are being developed at the relevant departments and institutes. Departments are transformed into two sections: Mining and Geological.

  • 1949.

    The Department of Geology grows into a Faculty of Geology, so that two faculties - Mining and Geology - operate independently but in close cooperation. In addition, within the Faculty of Science there is a Geological Group.

  • 1952.

    The Faculty of Mining and Geology, previously housed at the Faculty of Engineering, are moving into the building at 7, Dusina Street.

  • 1956.

    The Faculty of Mining and Geology is definitely merging into a single Faculty of Mining and Geology with two sections: Mining and Geology.

  • 1962.

    The Geological - Paleontological and Mineralogical - Petrological Groups of the Faculty of Mining and Geology are annexed to the Geological Section of the Faculty of Mining and Geology.

  • 1970. - 1973.

    The Faculty of Mining and Geology in Belgrade is integrated with the Faculty of Mining and Metallurgy in Bor and operates under the name Faculty of Mining, Geology and Metallurgy, Belgrade - Bor.

  • 1973.

    Integration with RMF in Bor ceases. The Faculty of Mining and Geology is once again becoming a single, independent faculty, organized through the basic organizations of associated labor.

  • 1990.

    By legal transformation, the Faculty of Mining and Geology gets its present form of organization.

  • 2008.

    The Faculty of Mining and Geology and all the study programs that are studied undergo the accreditation process in accordance with the principles of the Bologna Declaration.


  • Library
  • Publishing activities
  • Book store
  • Webmail Office365
  • Professorial Services
  • Student Services
  • Moodle
  • Micfosoft Azzure
  • EduRoam
  • RGF library service
