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Environmental Protection

Study program:
Environmental Engineering (II semester -BsC)
Mining Engineering (II semester -BsC)
Petroleum Engineering (II semester -BsC)
Name of subject: Environmental Protection
Prof. Aleksandar Cvjetić
Status: Optional
Prerequisites: Students are obliged to attend lectures, actively participate in the practice. To solve independently homework, seminar papers.
Course Objectives:
The aim of this course is to educate and give students ability to contribute to the improvement of management and organization in the field of engineering of environmental protection and the creation of conditions for more efficient protection in accordance with the concept of sustainable development and geoetic principles. Through this course the participants will learn about the basic elements of the environment, the causes and consequences of pollution, protection and improvement. Students should acquire the basic knowledge, skills and abilities needed to solve complex environmental problems. The course is the basis for a whole range of disciplines that are studied in other study programs related to the exploitation of natural, non-renewable resources in a rational manner.
Learning Outcomes:
Students who successfully pass the exam will have an ecological way of thinking, which will thus become the basis of later behavior and relationship to the environment and the nature as a whole. The student will be able to critically reflect on the existing problems in the context of the engineering approach to preserving nature from the aspect of environmental protection.

Theory teaching
Through this course students will become familiar with the basic concepts and principles of ecology (definitions, significance, tasks), with the concepts of environmental protection and ecological factors, their classification, then with geoethics, with forms of pollution and environmental protection, in general. The following elements will be studied: pollution and soil protection, creation, characteristics, manner and type of pollution. The second is pollution and water protection. Natural pollution, pollution of surface water, groundwater, industrial water from mineral processing plants, oil refining, metallurgical plants, thermal power plants. The third part is polluting and protecting the air. Air pollutants with mining activity, burning of fossil fuels, metallurgical processes, sources and classifications. Then about radioactive pollution and protection, about noise and noise protection. At the end, students will be acquainted with environmental protection regarding to the exploitation of mineral resources - non-renewable natural resources, legal regulation and monitoring system.

Practical teaching
Through this course, and after attending a lecture, students in active discussions get acquainted with a variety of factors that threaten the environment through the mining activities. They get acquainted with the threat and protection of the soil, endangering and protecting water, air, noise and vibration hazards, radioactivity etc. The basic notions of ethics in geosciences - about geosciences, responsibility and morality of doing or not doing what is supposed to be done from an enginner. Students write term papers and present them publicly.

Suggested Reading List:
  1. Tomanec R., 2008: Zaštita životne sredine, Beleške sa predavanja - autorizovana skripta, RGF.
  2. Stadnickii, G. V., Rodionov, A. I. 1988: Ekologiia, - V. Sh., Moskva.
  3. Withgott J., Brennan Scott, 2006: Environment, the science behind stories. – Pearson, San Francisko.
  4. Savić I, Terezija V., 2002: Ekologija i zaštita životne sredine, Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, Beograd.
  5. Ratajac R., et al., 2004: Ekologija i zaštita životne sredine. – Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, Beograd.
Conduct of the Course:
Teaching is performed through lecturing, with a pover point presentation, with appropriate short films, lots of photographs from the field (mining activity - exploitation of non-renewable mineral raw materials) illustrating different examples of environmental hazards, examples of solving such problems.
Fund hours:
Lectures Exercises Other forms of teaching Study research
2 0 0 0
Final Exam ECTS
Oral Exam30

Classwork Assessment ECTS
Class Participationа10
Written tests40
Additional Assessment Criteria: -


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