Theory teaching Introduction; Municipal waste management (principles, goals, activities); Analysis of existing practices in municipal waste management; Types and composition of municipal waste; Selection of methods for treatment of municipal waste (reduction of waste at source, reuse, recycling, composting, anaerobic digestion, incineration of waste, other waste treatment processes);Methods and technologies of municipal waste disposal; General on municipal waste landfills and their impact on the environment; Choice of location (natural factors, population, settlements and urbanism, economy);Geotechnical research for landfill projects and standards for geotechnical design (accompanying facilities); Geotechnical monitoring of landfills; Use of natural materials (waterproof, drainage, coverings); Use of artificial-geosynthetic materials (waterproofing, drainage, coatings, filtration);Physical-mechanical properties of waste: compression rate, water permeability, strength and deformability; Stability (in the opening, exploitation and closure phase) and settlement (base and waste) of municipal waste landfill. Practical teaching Exercises follow lectures (slides, projections, audio-visual presentations). They include the preparation of seminar papers in the field of geotechnical selection of site locations, geotechnical investigations using natural and artificial materials for landfill construction. |
Suggested Reading List:
- David E. D., 1993: Geotechnical practice for waste disposal, pp.683.
- Koerner R.M., 1997: Design with geosynthetics, pp.761.
- H. Qian., R. Koerner., D. Gray., 2002: Geotechnical aspects of landfill design and construction, Prentice Hall, pp.717
- Nacionalna strategija upravljanja otpadom, 2010 - 2019.
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