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Environmental Monitoring

Study program:
Environmental Engineering (VIII semester -BsC)
Name of subject: Environmental Monitoring
Prof. Dragana Nišić
Status: Compulsory
Prerequisites: -
Course Objectives:
Familiarization with the principles and procedures of environmental monitoring, with a special emphasis on monitoring in the areas where mining and mining is exploited
Learning Outcomes:
Training for practical monitoring of mining facilities, analysis of the situation and taking preventive measures.

Theory teaching
Concept, place, role, need, application and importance of monitoring. Subject of monitoring. Legislation. Mining and monitoring. Monitoring program. Creating a program for environment monitoring in the environment of mining works and facilities. Determining goals and tasks. Defining the monitoring site, scope of work, the necessary analyzes and dynamics. Displaying results and reporting. Characterization of the location of the mine or plant. Monitoring before commencement of works. Monitoring in the exploitation and production phase. Monitoring after completion of exploitation and processing. Monitoring of water. Air monitoring. Monitoring soil and sediment. Monitoring of technological processes and waste dumps. Subject of monitoring. Sampling. Equipment for sampling. Quality. Possible pollution, by stages of the process from the research of the deposit to the final production. Required analyzes, scope and dynamics of works. Parameters to be monitored, (MAC – maximum acceptable concentration), the meaning of overrun of common values. Assessment of pollution. Defining the monitoring program. Organization of monitoring. Practical examples of monitoring. Coal mine and coal drying and processing plant. Copper mine, surface mine, pit and flotation plant concentration of ore. Coal Thermal power plant and ash dumps. Surface mine and cement plant.

Practical teaching
Preparation of the monitoring program. Solving practical tasks. Monitoring of water. Solving practical tasks - developing a monitoring program and analyzing the results obtained. Processing results. Assessment of pollution and reporting. Air monitoring. Solving practical tasks - creating a monitoring program and analyzing the results obtained. Processing results. Assessment of pollution and reporting. Monitoring soil and sediment. Solving practical problems - creating a monitoring program and analyzing the results obtained. Processing results. Assessment of pollution and reporting. Monitoring of process and waste dumps. Solving practical problems - creating a monitoring program and analyzing the results obtained. Processing results. Assessment of pollution and reporting.

Suggested Reading List:
  1. Knežević D., Monitoring u životnoj sredini, interna skripta, RGF, 2012.
  2. Burden R.F., McKelvie I., Foerstner U., Guenther A., Environmental monitoring handbook, McGraw-Hill, 2002
  3. Wiersma G.B. (editor), Environmental Monitoring, CRC Press, 2004
  4. Marcus J.J. (eitor), Mining Environmental Handbook, Imperial college press, London, 1997
Conduct of the Course:
lectures + exercises
Fund hours:
Lectures Exercises Other forms of teaching Study research
2 2 0 0
Final Exam ECTS
Oral Exam30
Written exam20

Classwork Assessment ECTS
Class Participationа10
Practical Classes10
Written tests30
Additional Assessment Criteria: -


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